Posey County Radio News
Yesterday, Posey County emergency agencies were dispatched to a crash with injuries involving a school bus from the Mt. Vernon Metropolitan School District. According to Posey County Sheriff, Tom Latham, it happened west of Mt. Vernon on SR 62 and Sauerkraut Lane around 3:27 PM. The preliminary investigation supports the bus was driving south from Sauerkraut Lane and may have failed to yield the right of way to a vehicle traveling east on SR 62. Both the drive of the bus, Sophie Roby of Mt. Vernon, the driver of the car, Benajah Gahagan of Evansville, and a student were transported by ambulance to the hostpital. All three appeared to have minor injuries. During the investigation, it was discovered that Gahagan was operating with a suspended license. As a result, Gahagan will face criminal charges for Driving While Suspended with a prior conviction, which is a Class A Misdemeanor. Assisting with the crash was the Mt. Vernon Police Department, Mt. Vernon City Fire Department, Posey County EMS, Black Township Fire Department, and the Point Township Fire Department. Sheriff Latham stated, "I am thankful for the two citizens who stopped and helped remove the childen from the bus, after the collision. This is a prime example as to the great humanity within our area."
The last day to apply for the Mt. Vernon River Days "Pay it Forward" Award is noon today. If you are a Posey County non-profic group/organization that has a project that would benefit the community, then go to the Mt. Vernon River Day website and downlad the app right away for a chance to be awarded up to $1000. The guidelines and instructions are also found on the website. If you have an application that needs to be personally delivered to meet the deadline, contact 812-483-2922 for delivery instructions.
Today from 3-6 PM at McKims's IGA in Mt. Vernon, West Elementary is having their first fundraiser of the year. It is their PTO Ribfest. Price per slab is $18 and IGA graciously donates a portion of the sales back to West Elementary to support the kids and school.
Posey County Workwear is having their grand opening tomorrow from 9 AM until 1 PM. They are located at 1 Competition Way in Mt. Vernon, which is next to Hawg N Sauce. They have a large selection of flame resistant and reflective clothing. Stop by tomorrow during their grand opening to shop and register to win a free pair of boots.
Week one of the High School Football season kicks off tonight across the tri-state. Locally, Mt. Vernon travels to Heritage Hills for a 7:00 PM start. The game can be heard on the radio on 106.7 FM WMVI. North Posey heads to South Spencer for a 7:00 PM kickoff. That game is on 98.9 FM WPIW.
Local Sports From Last Night:
- North Posey Volleyball lost in 4-sets at Mater Dei. The Vikings drop to 2-1 on the season.
- Mt. Vernon Girls Soccer earned a 4-2 win at Harrison. Maty Burnett had (3) goals. Valarie Thompson scored (1) goal. MV improves to 1-1.
- Mt. Vernon Boys Soccer took care of South Spencer at home, 6-1. Grant Doherty punched in (4) goals for the Wildcats. MV is 2-0 on the year.
- Mt. Vernon Girls Golf finished 3rd at Mt. Carmel with a team score of (207). Mt. Carmel won the match shooting an 8-under par (136) and Gibson Southern finished 2nd with a team score of (177). Hadley Weatherford had the best score for MV as she finshed with an individual score of (47).
- USI Women's Soccer lost their season opener, 1-0 at the University of North Dakota.
- UE Women's Soccer dropped their season opener at home to Vanderbilt, 3-0.
- Evanville Otters beat Windy City, 6-5 at Bosse Field. Jeffrey Baez hit a walk-off single in the 9th inning. Otters take 2-of-3 in the series and improve to 43-37. The play at the Washington Wild Things this evening.