Local News: Wednesday November 6th 2024
Yesterday was the 2024 general election across the country and we had several races here in Posey County.
In the State Senator race, Republican Jim Banks took 71% of the vote here in the county with 9205 votes and also took the lead in the state wide race as well. In the governors race, Republican Mike Braun took 69% of the votes in the county with 8874 votes and state wide took that race as well. In the Attorney General race, Republican Todd Rokita took 72% of the county votes and closer to 60% state wide. State Representative District 8, Republican Mark Messmer took 73% of the votes in the county, 68% in the statewide race. State Representative of District 76 went to unopposed Wendy McNamara. Posey County Circuit Court Judge to unopposed Craig Getty. Posey County Treasurer to unopposed Vicki Peerman. Posey County Surveyor to unopposed Adam Biggie. County Commissioner District One to unopposed Brian Shore. County Commissioner District Three to Republican Bill Collins with 73% of votes. Posey County Council At Large to Republican Heather Allen with 27% of votes, Republican Rusty Jordan with 24% of votes and Republican Dave Pearce with 27% of the votes. In the school board races, North Posey District One went to Vincent Oakley with 54% of votes over Larry Kale. North Posey District Two went to unopposed Rick Nightingale, and Mount Vernon School Board at large to Brittney Dieg Butler with 53% of the votes over Brian Williams. You can find the full list of Posey County Election results on our web site at Posey county radio dot com. (https://www.poseycountyradio.com/news/local-news/posey-county-election-results/)
Coming up this Saturday, the MSD of North Posey will be seeking out individuals who would be interested in driving busses. They will be hosting a test drive event from 8 AM until 10 AM at the North Posey High School parking lot. You can complete a test drive in the parking lot, talk to the trainer and current drivers, and even register for the new driver training classes that will be coming up on December 4th through 6th. For more details you can contact the MSD of North Posey office at 812 874 2243.
The Posey County Council on Aging is asking for donations to help assemble Christmas Bags for senior citizens in the county. Last year they put together bags for 30 people and this year the list has increased to 60. Items they would like donations of include blankets, body washes, conditioners and deodorant, games and puzzles, gloves, hats, slippers and other personal care items. Items to be donated can be dropped off at 6 11 West 8th street. If you have questions on how you can help, call their office at 812 838 4656. Items need to be dropped off by December 11th.
Family Matters of Posey County is inviting residents to contact them for the Posey County Christmas Assistance Program. Although the deadline to sign up has passed, they know some families might have missed it and are still willing to help. If you missed the entry deadline and need assistance, call the Family Matter office at 812-838-6875.
The United Way of Posey County will be drawing a Halfpot Raffle winner once again this year. Tickets are currently being sold and the drawing will take place on December 31st. If you would like to get a raffle ticket, you can either email UnitedWayPosey@gmail.com or call their office at 812-838-3637 to get yours.