Posey County Radio News and Sports
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management has called for an Air Quality Action Day through midnight tonight for several Southwest Indiana counties, including Posey and Vanderburgh. You are encouraged to avoid burning wood in fireplaces or wood fired boilers, reduce activity time outdoors. Avoid using gasoline powered lawn equipment or recreational vehicles, turn off your engine if sitting for more than 10 seconds, and conserve energy by turning off lights or setting the air conditioner to 75 degrees or above. Children, the elderly, and anyone with heat or lung conditions should reduce or avoid exertion and heavy work outdoors.
The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for Thursday and Friday. The advisory goes into effect tomorrow at 11:00 AM and runs through Friday evening. Forecasters are predicting high temperatures near 100 with heat index values of up to 105 each day. The Weather Service suggests scheduling outdoor activity during the early morning or evening and knowing the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The weather system is the same one that led to record breaking heat across parts of Texas and the South. The Heat Advisory comes on the heals of warnings about air quality due to smoke form the wildfires in Canada.
Authorities were called to investigate a suspicious device near Burdette Park in Vanderburgh County on Tuesday. Just before noon on Tuesday, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office said deputies were investigating a report of a suspicious device on the side of the road in the area of Nurrenbern Road and Graff Road. Officials at Burdette Park say they located the suspicious package during daily routine checks and maintenance. According to VCSO, the person who found the suspicious device during maintenance originally believed it was a pipe bomb. A statement released on the incident says that appropriate areas of the park were evacuated out of an abundance of caution. With some help from the Evansville Police Department Bomb Squad, the device was determined to be a "hoax device" and not an explosive, the sheriff's office said. After a full sweep of Burdette Park was completed as a safety precaution, the sheriff's office said that nothing suspicious was found.
We are now less than a week away from the 4th of July. The city of Mt. Vernon will be having their Firework show this Saturday evening along the Mt. Vernon riverfront. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy the beautiful display brought to you by the Mt. Vernon Lions Club. The Firework display will start around 9:00 PM Saturday. Brittlebank Pool in Mt. Vernon has a couple of 4th of July promotions. On Saturday, it is dollar day. They will be open from 11:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Then next Tuesday on the 4th of July, if you wear patriotic clothing you will get in for a dollar. They will have hot dogs, bomb pops, ice cream, and corn hole.
Indiana State Police is participating in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign. While Independence Day will be in the middle of the week this year, law enforcement in Indiana will be on the lookout for impaired drivers during the weekend leading up to the holiday. Indiana State Police is taking part in the national campaign from June 30th until July 8th. Troopers will be increasing patrols with the primary goal of preventing tragedies previously seen around the July 4th holiday. The extra high-visibility enforcement is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI).
About 37 people die in the U.S. in drunk driving crashes every day. That’s approximately one person every 39 minutes, according to NHTSA. In Indiana, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of .08 or higher. In addition, drivers under 21 with a BAC of .02 or higher are subject to fines and a license suspension for up to one year. Impaired driving includes more than just alcohol. Drugs and even some over-the-counter medications can also cause impairment and can slow coordination, judgment, and reaction times on the road. Troopers will be on the lookout for all forms of impairment, in which the consequences can include thousands of dollars in legal fees, increased insurance rates, loss of license, a criminal record, and possible jail time. Indiana State Police are encouraging everyone to plan a safe and sober ride home before going out. Motorists that encounter a drunk driver on the road are encouraged to call 911.
Multiple laws passed by the Indiana legislature go into effect starting July 1st. One law has school corporations implementing new policies. It’s called House Bill 1447. The bill requires schools to have a procedure in place for parents or community members to challenge books in school libraries. The bill urges schools to have an online list of the books on their shelves, allowing parents or community members to look them over and express their concerns. Books can be removed from the shelves if they’re deemed “obscene” or “harmful to minors.” The bill also gives local prosecutors the ability to bring charges against librarians or media specialists who might have a book deemed “obscene” on their shelves. This law goes into effect on July 1st.
- The St. Louis Cardinals (33-45) go for a 3rd-straight win tonight at home against the Houston Astros at 6:45 PM. You can hear the game on 106.7 FM WMVI.
- The Chicago Cubs (37-40) hope to avoid a 3rd-straight loss as they play host to the Philadelphia Phillies at 7:05 PM.
- The Cincinnati Reds (42-38) play for a series win in the finale of a 3-game set in Baltimore against the Orioles at 6:05 PM.
- The Chicago White Sox (34-47) are still out in Los Angeles taking on the Angels at 8:38 PM.