Local News: Friday July 26th 2024
Harmonie State Park will be hosting a back to school bash tomorrow. Activities for the kids include games with prizes, foam machine, sensory activities, sprinklers, inflatables and free goodie bags and food while supplies last. The bash will take place from 3 to 7 and standard gates fees do apply to get into the park. Those fees are $7 for in-state vehicles and $9 for out of state.
The Posey County Emergency Management shared a press release yesterday from the US Small Business Administration regarding disaster assistance for businesses and residents affected by the July 9th tornado. The press release states that low interest disaster loans from the SBA are available after a letter from Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb requested a disaster declaration status. The declaration covers Posey and all adjacent counties in Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. A disaster loan outreach center for Posey County has been setup a 311 Mill Street at the Posey County EMA offices. If you would like more details, you can find them at a link on our news page, or by calling 404-331-0333.
The United Way of Posey County has announced in a press release that they have funds available for 501 (c)(3) groups who need assistance. They are looking to help out these organizations who aim to improve the life of Posey County residents. Details on assistance and funding support can be obtained by contacting Keely Winiger, the executive director of the United Way of Posey County, by calling 812-838-3637. The deadline to apply for assistance is September 13th. More information and a copy of the application can be found online at unitedwayposeycounty.org.
The town of Cythiana announced yesterday that phase 3 of reconstruction on state road 65 will begin in a couple of weeks. The closure for this phase will be limited between the intersection of state road 68 and the southern limits of Cynthiana. The work is estimated to last approximately 2 months. In other area traffic news, the highway 65 bridge over I-64 is scheduled to reopen next Friday August 2nd at 3:00 PM.
The Deaconess Mobile Mammogram unit will be providing screening mammograms coming up next Thursday August 1st. No insurance is required for these screenings as the Posey County Health Department will cover the cost for those who need assistance. To schedule a mammogram, call 812-450-6266. If you need financial assistance for the screening, call the Posey County Health Department after your appointment is scheduled at 812-838-1330. The location for the screenings will be the IGA in Mount Vernon on August 1st between 9AM and 2PM.
There will be a community blood drive coming up in Poseyville next Monday. It will be at the Poseyville Community Center on July 29th from 1:30 to 6:00. They ask that you set up an appointment ahead of time by visiting RedCrossBlood.org or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. That is 1-800-733-2767.
The Relay For Life of North Posey 5K run and walk is coming up on Saturday August 17th at Murphy Park in New Harmony. Registration will be from 6:30 – 7:30, a kids dash at 7:45 and the race / walk to start at 8:00. All proceeds will benefit the Relay for Life of North Posey and the American Cancer Society. They invite you to sign up ahead of time by visiting their event on Facebook, or you can find a link on our Posey County Radio Facebook Page as well.
In sports news,
The Mount Vernon, Be The Best Athlete You Can Be camp is coming up next Tuesday at the Wildcat Athletic complex. It is a student led camp that is free for all second through 5th graders. It is an agility camp that will begin at 8 on Tuesday morning for 2nd graders and progress with a different time slot for each grade. To find the full details, visit the news section at Mvwildcats.org https://mvwildcats.org/Article/31588
The North Posey Youth Football Camp begins on Monday. That free camp at Joe Gengelbach Field will begin at 6 PM and run til 7:30 next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Presently there are around 100 kids signed up for the camp. If you have a kid that would still like to sign up, find the registration form on the North Posey Football Facebook page.
And coming up tomorrow here on Posey County Radio, we will preview the football seasons for both Mount Vernon and North Posey. You can hear the summer update for Mount Vernon on 106.7 WMVI and MountVernonRadio.com at 9:00 tomorrow morning with host Allen Buck, coach Justin Fischer, Junior Brady Schikel and Senior Drew Aaron. The North Posey summer update will be on 98.9 WPIW and NorthPoseyRadio.com at 9:00 AM with host Jordan Fisher, Coach Waylon Schenk, Coach Sean Fisher and senior Ty Mauck. Both shows will also be archived online at PoseyCountyRadio.com