Posey County Radio News
EVSC board member and bar owner, Amy Word, appeared in court today for a review hearing. She’s accused of maintaining a common nuisance involving controlled substances, which is a felony. Word was arrested last month in connection to a series of drug arrests in the area of her Lamasco Bar and Grill on West Franklin Street. During her hearing this morning, she was reassigned to the Vanderburgh County Circuit Court. Additionally, Word was ordered to continue Drug Abuse Probation Services, which was set as a condition of release during her first appearance in court. Word is expected back in court on September 19th at 9:00 AM. She is on a leave of absence from the school board.
A Vanderburgh County Deputy Sheriff is facing charges after officials say he crashed into a car while driving under the influence. Deputies were called to SR 62 and Schutte for a car crash Monday evening around 10:07 p.m. The first deputy on scene says they requested a supervisor informing them one of the drivers involved was an agency employee. That employee was identified as deputy Michael Bishop. Deputies say, Bishop refused medical treatment on scene, and was taken to the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Operation Center for field sobriety testing and potential chemical breath test. Bishop was given three standardized field sobriety tests. He was also given a portable breath test that showed his Blood Alcohol Content level was .338. Bishop’s BAC level was over four times the legal limit. Officials say Bishop was taken to Deaconess Midtown ER for medical clearance and a chemical blood draw. After being cleared from the hospital, Bishop was taken to Vanderburgh County Jail and booked on operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on a $100 bond. He has since been released.
Mt. Vernon High School has made an announcement for students interested in joining the swim team. All current and new swimmers interested in being on the team are to meet at the school pool on Friday, September 2nd at 7:00 AM. There will be breakfast at the pool that day as well.
Local Sports Tonight:
- Mt. Vernon Boys Tennis plays at Central at 4:30 PM.
- Mt. Vernon Boys Soccer travels to Mt. Carmel at 5:00 PM.
- North Posey Boys Tennis is on the road at Southridge at 4:30 PM.
- Evansville Otters play the middle game of their 3-game series at the Washington Wild Things at 5:05 PM.