Posey County Radio News and Sports
A couple more Holiday events are coming to North Posey High School later this week. Thursday night at 6:00 PM there is the North Posey Holiday Bash inside the North Posey High School Auditorium. The evening will feature North Posey Jr. and Sr. High School band, choir, and art students. The band and choir concert will start at 6:30 PM. There will also be special art displays, toy donation buckets, and picture with Santa will take place before and after the concert. This event is free to attend.
Then, this Friday night it’s the ‘Spirit of Christmas Toy Drive’ as North Posey is inviting everyone to their boys’ basketball game against Mater Dei. Trees representing the North Posey schools and decorated by students will be available for viewing. Santa will be available for picture Friday evening from 6:00-7:30 PM. Face painting and ornament making will also be available for children 12 and under. New, unwrapped toy donations will be collected to benefit Toys for Tots.
The Town of Poseyville is presenting a Day of Family fun this Saturday at the Poseyville Community Center. The event will last from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM on Saturday. Stop by and enjoy games, crafts, cookies, hot chocolate, and hot cider.
United Way of Posey County continues to sell half pot tickets for a drawing coming up on December 31st, 2022. It is 5 dollars per ticket, and you do not have to be present to win. Right now, they have sold just over 1,500 dollars of tickets.
Students in the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) are seeing some changes to their 2023-2024 school calendar. That's after the EVSC's 2023-24 school calendar was approved during a Monday night school board meeting. One notable change highlighted by the EVSC is the change to Fall Break. As the new calendar shows, Fall Break for EVSC students will now be the second full week of October - Monday, Oct. 9 through Friday, Oct. 13 - the week following the 2023 West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. EVSC said the new calendar also includes the popular soft start at the beginning of the year and meets the state requirement for 180 instructional days.
Today marks the 45th anniversary of the 1977 University of Evansville plane crash that was carrying the Purple Aces Men’s Basketball team. On December 13, 1977, the University of Evansville men’s basketball team boarded a plane at the Evansville Regional Airport to travel to play a game at Middle Tennessee. Just 90 seconds after takeoff, the plane crashed, killing all 29 people on board. The University of Evansville put together two services today. The first one was at noon at Memorial Plaza, and it included a reading of the victims’ names and the ringing of a peace bell. The second service will begin at 7:00 PM tonight in Neu Chapel. It will include guest speakers and a moment of silence at 7:22 PM to honor the moment of the crash. Tonight’s service is open to the public.
Sports Tonight:
- Mt. Vernon Girls Basketball plays at Carmi. The JV game is at 6:00 PM and the Varsity will follow around 7:30 PM.
- Mt. Vernon Wrestling welcomes Southridge at 5:00 PM.